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发布:2018-04-15  来源:本站作者:本站  阅读:
  • 曾润喜, 陈创
    重庆大学新闻学院 重庆 400131

    摘要 [目的/意义]网络舆情信息传播是一个系统的、动态的复杂生命周期,研究网络舆情信息传播的动力机制,有助于更好地理解其复杂性和系统性。[方法/过程]对有关网络舆情动力机制的研究文献按照内部动力和外部动力两个维度进行聚类分析,并对系统要素和技术模型展开对比分析,构建网络舆情信息传播动力机制的完整框架。[结果/结论]已有研究围绕参与主体、事件信息、载体平台和外部环境等维度开展系统要素分析,并按照多维度因素影响模型和单维度因素影响模型模拟网络舆情的形成过程。通过分析网络舆情各要素之间的互动博弈过程,总结出网络舆情信息传播的动力机制建模流程。研究建议未来研究要朝着小世界、大数据以及云传播方向发展。       

    关键词 网络舆情动力机制信息传播比较研究    
    Abstract[Purpose/significance] Internet public information communication is a systematic, dynamic and complex life cycle. The study of the dynamic mechanism of public information dissemination in the Internet will help to better understand its complexity and systematicness. [Method/process] The research sets out to construct the complete framework of the dynamic mechanism of Internet public opinion information communication, on the basis of literature review on the dynamic mechanism of Internet public opinion according to the two dimensions of internal power and external power, and makes a comparative analysis the specific influencing factors. [Result/conclusion] Existing research focus on the three internal factors such as participation subject, event information, carrier platform and external environment as external factors. On this basis, this study analyzes the interactive game between the elements of Internet public opinion, sums up the process of modeling the dynamic mechanism of Internet public information communication. Future research will move towards small worlds, large data, and cloud communication.
    Key wordsInternet public opinion    dynamic mechanism    information communication    comparative study   
        收稿日期: 2017-10-10                    
    1: G203  
    作者简介: 曾润喜(ORCID:0000-0002-8353-9479),研究员,博士生导师,E-mail:zengrunxi@gmail.com;陈创(ORCID:0000-0002-0895-6037),硕士研究生。

上一篇:《中南民族大学学报》涉民族类网络辟谣舆情传播过程中不同主体治理行为实证研究    下一篇:《现代情报》基于非传统安全视角的网络舆情演化机理与智慧治理方略